Ballarat Begonia Festival 2022

Ballarat Begonia Festival - March 11th - 20th 2022 

The Begonia Festival runs over 11 days from 11th March to 20th March, the majority of the activities are held in the Gardens on the long weekend with some activities also set up around Ballarat!

Why not come and check out the beautiful Begonia Display in the Conservatory from Sat 12th March.  Don't forget to enjoy the live music, gardener's market, food stalls and other activities.  The Friends will have a display next to then Conservatory and will be operating the Plant Creche where you can leave your purchased plants while you enjoy the other activities. 

Our Nursery will be open on the long weekend (10-5pm), Tue (1-4pm) and the second weekend (11-4pm).

Botankids will be operating on the long weekend  (10-5pm) from the Gatekeeper's Cottage at the Northern edge of the Gardens with indoor and outdoor activities for children - pot up a plant, create a fairy garden or use our digital microscope and be amazed!

The GateKeeper's Cottage will be open during the long weekend (10-5pm) and following weekend (11-4pm)- see a gardener's family lounge room and nature table display for children as it would have been in Federation Times!