Botanical Illustrators

Botanical Illustrators meet every Monday during school terms, between 10.00am and 3.00pm, in the George Longley building.

All artists from beginners to advanced painters are invited to join the group of budding artists as they journey into the botanical world.  

These sessions are run without teachers, but with a range of experience and skills, that are shared within the group. 

Group projects are decided upon with species from the gardens and members can participate or continue with their own works.  

It is usual that two workshops are organised each year, providing extra tuition and interest.

Participants are required to be a member of the Friends of the Ballarat Botanical Gardens and a small fee to cover venue costs is paid each attendance.

Ro Bancroft

Botanical Art Exhibition 

We had a very successful Exhibition on the 'Rare and Endangered Plants of Ballarat and Surrounds' in September 2022, raising awareness of these plants.  Beautiful postcards were sold of some of the artworks. 

Art Exh Rare 2022

Where Science meets Nature.

Botanical art means different things to different people, firstly we have the scientific botanical illustrations which focus on all parts of the plant including dissected plant parts. This allows the plant to be identified accurately and often provides information that would be difficult to capture with photography.

Next, we have the popular realistic painting of the botanical subject which is accurate but without the dissections and the scientific angle. This type of botanical painting is greatly desired by the public and is used decoratively in homes and public buildings. Botanical art is used extensively on many items including greeting cards, fashion, and home fabrics and china, etc. 

Then we have general flower painting which uses a more relaxed, creative but still realistic style of painting.

Regardless of the style, botanical painting continues to be a popular choice with people everywhere.  Photography is no substitute for the talents of an artist capturing the beauty of the plant form. 

Current Projects

The group works on individual works or from time to time group projects are studied, where a common theme or subject is worked on.

Our current project is painting plants from a list of rare endangered plants from the Ballarat area. 

This has required much research and contact with the Botanical gardens, local Field naturalist and Landcare groups, which has given us a great interest in these plants and where to find specimens 


Learn more about botanical art by joining one of our specialist workshops held during terms 2 & 3.

Past workshops have been held with acclaimed artists

Stephanie Goss: Watercolor – large scale botanical.
Margaret Castle: Watercolour – botanical.
Charlotte Thodey: Acrylic – Still Life – Fruit and Vegetables.
Mali Moir: Botanical Illustration – Watercolour.
Janet Matthews: Coloured Pencil – Techniques for feathers and fur.
Kate Nolan: Insects – Watercolour.

Please register interest in these workshops ASAP after they are announced, classes can fill quickly.
Email or phone: 5342 9354.


Botanical Illustration Group held an exhibition in November 2014, to coincide with the Archibald prize.  It was a very successful exhibition, held in the conservatory.   All artists in the group participated, with watercolour, acrylic, and pencil studies.  Greeting cards depicting the artworks were also sold at the exhibition.

We have also had exhibitions at the Open Gardens in Buninyong, in October 2019, in the Gatekeeper's cottage and in the Conservatory for the heritage festival in 2021.


A Workshop will be held on Saturday 28th September, run by David Reynolds, water colour artist and tutor, suggested theme is native plants.


Examples of artwork by the group.