FBBG Committee Members & Positions of Responsibility 2024

2024 Friends Committee 

President Julie Bradby

Immediate Past President Terry O'Brien

Vice President Karen McLean

Minute Secretary (acting) Susie Cochrane

Treasurer Kim Nolan

Assistant Treasurer Jim Kierce

General Committee Peter Marquand


Convenors of Friends Groups on the Committee 

AAFBG Rosemary Davies

Ambassadors Heather Boyd

Botanical Art Ro Bancroft

BotaniKids/Education Julie Bradby

Events and Speakers Carole Haines

Exhibitions/Library Lorraine Powell

Foundation Representative Julie Bradby

Growing Friends Yvonne Curbach

Guides Julie Chandler

History Natalie Radomski

Hospitality Heather Boyd

Membership Karen McLean

Precinct Representative Geoff Notman

Strategic Governance Jock Gilbert

Other Positions of Responsibility

Admin Kim Nolan

Ambassadors Trish Twaites

Biodiversity Terry O'Brien

Plant Trolley Sue Rattray

Wellingtonia/Major Publicity Wendy Taylor



Committee Meetings

Committee Meeting are held at the Robert Clark Horticultural Centre, Ballarat Botanic Gardens on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 4pm

For more information, please contact Admin on .