Newsletter - Wellingtonia


Wellingtonia is our quarterly newsletter, distributed with the seasons to keep members informed about events and the activities of the groups.

FBBG Friends 2024 Winter Wellingtonia Newsletter01-01

View Winter 2024 Wellingtonia edition.

From the President ... pg 1
Winter Events ... pg 2
Curators Report ... pg 4
Women in Horticulture ... pg 5
Proposal to provide more cultural context as you enter the Prime Ministers Avenue in Ballarat Botanical Gardens ...  pg 6
A Pinaceae More than just Pines ... pg 7
The Pinaceae Guided Tour ... pg 8
Inspired by Begonias, A Botanical Art Exhibition ... pg 10
Looking back at Ballarat Botanikids, How time flys!  ... pg  11
Family Donation to Gardens:  A Treasure for Future Enjoyment ... pg 12
In the Know ... pg 14
Prestigious Award for Michael Bird ... pg 15
Winter Meeting with Craig Castree ...  pg 16
Obituaries ... pg 17
Wellingtonia Membership Report ... pg 18
AAFBG Conference August 2024 ... pg 19
FBBG Committee & Contact Info ... pg 20

Read through our Newsletter online.